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There are countless natural and man-made unique sights in the parks of Birini Manor. Premises of Birini Manor is a national monument of historic architecture observed under No.6455.
BIRINI CASTLEThe focal point of Birini Manor is the Castle building constructed in 1860 by the architect F. V. Hess, the student of the wellknown architect of Riga H. Bose. |
OLD WATERMILLThe plate on the Watermill wall reads ‘1850, erbaut Alex von Pistohlkors’. The Windmill is open from May to October for a summer café and the museum. |
COMMITTEE MEETING HOUSECount L. A. Mellin was appointed representative to the Committee for Serfdom Abolition according to the Law in 1804 by Russian Emperor Alexander I. To avoid the opponents the Count moved the Committee seat away from Riga to the Meeting House at Kolzen (Birini) built in 1805. |
WATER TOWERThe water tower was built at the end of the 19h century instead of the old well. The windmill was set up to supply the whole Manor with water. At present, you can see some remains of the metal wings of the old windmill on top of the water tower. |
GARDENER’S HOUSEThe building is named after Pfiderik (Tidirik), a devoted gardener of the Manor from the beginning of the 20th century, to memorize his contribution and the white lilac he made to bloom at Christmas. At present, there are hotel rooms and a historic gallery dedicated to Pfiderik. |
MANOR KEEPER'S HOUSEThere is a white building near the Castle known as the Manor Keeper's House, once inhabited by the Manor steward. It was built during Count Mellin’s rule at the very beginning of the 19th century according to the epitaph on the porch wall. At present, it is inhabited by the gardeners and a tour is arranged on request. |
- Entrance fee charged except for the seminar, banquet, and hotel guests.